Revenge On 'Entitled' Parking Job In Weymouth Goes Viral

We've all seen them: the massive pickup truck parked in a space reserved for compact cars, the sports car parked across multiple spots to avoid door dings, or an able-bodied person swiping a disabled parking spot at the front of the store. 

Who do you think was in the wrong?
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Who do you think was in the wrong?

  • The Lexus driver
  • The person who left the message

We grumble under our breath and maybe complain to a passerby, but it rarely goes beyond that. However, someone in Weymouth recently posted their revenge against one of these parking lot princesses, which has received a lot of attention on social media. 

It happened at the Union Point Sports Complex on Memorial Grove Ave. when a Lexus driver created a parking space for themselves in a full lot. 

One person found a way to get back at the driver: passive-aggressive graffiti. They posted their response in a Facebook group dedicated to shaming bad parking lot etiquette, and it went viral. 

"There's a reason there's not a spot there because it clearance for emergency vehicles turning (e.g. fire engines/ladders)," one person posted. "You may drive a Lexus, does not give you special privileges. Drive around and park your car correctly, it won't kill you."

Another person took issue with how close they parked to the car next to them. 

"I literally have kids. How can anyone get into their car to put their kids in car seats with this person parking like this? And don’t let me have to be somewhere like my kids' doctor appointments… I’d call the police and ask them to tow it out of the way."

But not everyone was on the side of the back lot Banksy. Some people thought they were overreacting for "clout."

"Way to say you have no life without saying so 🙄 who cares?," one person said. "Looks like they are blocking no one and places get busy and you must be creative. People have families, handicap, elderly to unload. You have no idea this person's circumstance."

"What if the person was handicap and all the spaces were taken. Maybe u should know the reason before u judge someone. So many people park where there not suppose too doesn't mean there entitled."

What do you think? Click the share button below to let us know. 

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